瀏覽人次: 223


Department frequency rankings of <Jul. 2016 > by per pers
Unit total persons
Average Frequency
1 護理學系Dept. of Nursing 646 167 3.87
2 創意設計學院不分系國際設計學士班 138 46 3.00
3 視光學系Dept. of Optometry 133 46 2.89
4 數位媒體設計學系Dept. of Media and Design 481 769 0.63
5 室內設計學系Dept. of Interior Design 72 166 0.43
6 會計與資訊學系Dept. of Accounting and Information Systems 144 447 0.32
6 視覺傳達設計學系Dept. of Visual Communication Design 234 739 0.32
8 時尚設計學系Dept. of Fashion Design 151 542 0.28
9 生物科技學系Dept. of Biotechnology 170 656 0.26
10 心理學系Dept. of Psychology 156 838 0.19
11 外國語文學系Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature 135 753 0.18
12 光電與通訊學系Dept. of Photonics and Communication Enginee 59 341 0.17
12 休閒與遊憩管理學系Dept. of Leisure and Recreation Management 257 1,539 0.17
14 生物資訊與醫學工程學系Dept.  of Bioinformatics andMedical Engineering 50 320 0.16
15 資訊傳播學系Dept. of Information Communication 110 718 0.15
16 保健營養生技學系Dept. of Health and Nutrition Biotechnology 166 1,162 0.14
16 財務金融學系Dept. of Finance 137 1,004 0.14
18 行動商務與多媒體應用學系Dept. of Applied Informatics and Multimedia 85 638 0.13
18 健康產業管理學系Dept. of Healthcare Administration 113 849 0.13
18 經營管理學系Dept. of Business Administration 128 1,023 0.13
21 社會工作學系Dept. of Social Work 115 1,042 0.11
21 國際企業學系Dept. of International Business 110 1,036 0.11
21 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law 75 713 0.11
24 國際財務金融管理學程Int'l Finance 2 22 0.09
25 資訊工程學系Dept. of Computer Science & Inform. Engineering 25 762 0.03
26 創意商品設計學系Dept. of Creative Product Design 13 1,052 0.01
26 幼兒教育學系Dept. of Early Childhood Education 3 571 0.01


註2:總人數以圖書館自動化系統之有效讀者+有效日期為當月1日之後計算 ,本次統計日為8/10