2018年1月份個人進館次數排行榜 Top 25 of most frequent library users of <Jan. 2018 > |
排行 No. |
讀者姓名 Name |
單位系所 Unit |
次數 Frequency |
1 | 林芳妤 | 財務金融學系Dept. of Finance | 114 |
2 | 高俐琳 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 92 |
3 | 劉光明 | 行動商務與多媒體應用學系Dept. of Applied Informatics and Multimedia | 88 |
4 | 張庭瑄 | 社會工作學系Dept. of Social Work | 86 |
4 | 盧冠樺 | 會計與資訊學系Dept. of Accounting and Information Systems | 86 |
6 | 王紹崴 | 經營管理學系Dept. of Business Administration | 74 |
7 | 林玉青 | 光電與通訊學系Dept. of Photonics and Communication Enginee | 68 |
8 | 洪晟淯 | 生物科技學系Dept. of Biotechnology | 66 |
9 | 張恩齊 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 65 |
9 | 洪韻涵 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 65 |
11 | 張育菁 | 休閒與遊憩管理學系Dept. of Leisure and Recreation Management | 64 |
11 | 簡大詠 | 生物科技學系Dept. of Biotechnology | 64 |
11 | 戴毓萱 | 社會工作學系Dept. of Social Work | 64 |
14 | 林芫卉 | 外國語文學系Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literature | 63 |
15 | 蘇南 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 62 |
15 | 黃宸瑞 | 經營管理學系Dept. of Business Administration | 62 |
17 | 張冠婷 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 61 |
18 | 余可如 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 60 |
18 | 黃煜涵 | 隨班附讀Study Tour | 60 |
20 | 解雪瑩 | 數位媒體設計學系Dept. of Media and Design | 59 |
20 | 謝民凱 | 隨班附讀Study Tour | 59 |
20 | 陳 靜 | 聽力暨語言治療學系Dept. of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology | 59 |
20 | 詹皓鈞 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 59 |
24 | 陳柏丞 | 生物科技學系Dept. of Biotechnology | 58 |
25 | 蔡聖爵 | 護理學系Dept. of Nursing | 56 |
註1:本排行榜僅統計校內師生,但圖書館工作人員不列入計算。 註2:請前5名於每月25日前憑有效有照證件到館領獎狀,惟跨越寒暑假之月份不予頒獎! 期待下個月就(還)是您! Top 5 readers will get awards next month. |