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Opening Hours

Extension of the loan term during summer break.
Due date of loan term during summer break is extended as following:

Patron types Borrowing date  Due date Resume Date
 Faculty, Staff
Graduate student
2024.5.23~2024.8.11 2024.9.23 2024.8.11
 Undergraduate student        2024.6.3~2024.9.1 2024.9.1


1. For the due date of loan items during the period above is 2024/9/23, please confirm the new due date when renew online as the system shows.
2. Audio-video materials are excluded.
3. Extension of the loan term during summer break service is only for Asia University faculty, staff ,student and Asia Hospital staff.


The period of the second semester of the 112 academic year is from 2024/2/17 to 2024/6/22
Library open hours during summer vacation: 08:00-17:10, Mon. - Fri., 2024/6/23-8/30. 

Library open hours during Summer vacation announcement: 08:00-17:10, Mon. - Fri., 2024/6/23.
Open Hours Note
Service  counter Monday~Friday 08:00 ~ 22:00 Summer & Winter Open Hours
~Friday 08:00 ~17:10
Saturday ~Sunday 09:30 ~ 17:30
Borrow and Return  service Monday~Friday 08:30 ~ 21:50  
Saturday ~Sunday 10:00 ~ 17:20



2023/09/29(Fri.) Moon Festival.
2023/10/09(Mon.)~2023/10/10(Tue.) bridge holiday、National Day.
2024/01/01(Mon.)New Year's Day.
The library will be closed from 2/8 to 2/14 for Chinese New Year.
2024/2/28(Wed.) Peace Memorial Day.
2024/4/4(Thur.)~2024/4/5(Fri.)Children's Day、Tomb Sweeping Day, bridge holiday.
2024/6/10(Mon.)Dragon Boat Festival.
Library will be closed on June 28.(Fri.).
Library will be closed on July 12.(Fri.).
Library will be closed on Augsust 2(Fri.).
Library will be closed on Augsust 9(Fri.).

2023/09/23(Sat.)  8:00 to 17:30 make-up day for the National Day.
2024/2/17(Sat.)  8:00 to 17:30   for the school make-up day.
Library hours is adjusted to 8:00 to17:30 on 2024/3/9(Sat.)
Library hours is adjusted to 8:00 to17:30 on 2024/4/13(Sat.)
Library hours is adjusted to 8:00 to17:30 on 2024/5/4(Sat.)
In accordance with the graduation ceremony , the library will be open from 8:00 to 17:30 on June 10th, 2024.


Open Hours Note
Service  counter Monday~Friday 08:00 ~ 22:00 Summer & Winter Open Hours
Monday~Friday 08:00 ~17:10
Saturday ~Sunday 09:30 ~ 17:30
Borrow and Return  service Monday~Friday 08:30 ~ 21:50  
Saturday ~Sunday 10:00 ~ 17:20