View count:
Periodical List
A | - | 1 | 3D Artist |
A | - | 2 | 3D World |
A | - | 3 | ABA Journal:the Lawyer's Magazine |
A | - | 4 | ABACUS- A Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business Studies |
A | - | 5 | Abitare |
A | - | 6 | Accounting & Business Research |
A | - | 7 | Accounting & Finance |
A | - | 8 | Acoustical Society of America Journal ( Plus Supplements) |
A | - | 9 | Addiction Research & Theory |
A | - | 10 | Administration & Policy In Mental Health & Mental Health Srvices Research |
A | - | 11 | Administrative Law Review |
A | - | 12 | Advanced Photoshop |
A | - | 13 | Advances In Health Science Education |
A | - | 14 | Advertising Age |
A | - | 15 | Affilia: Journal of Women & Social Work |
A | - | 16 | Age & Ageing |
A | - | 17 | Ageing & Society |
A | - | 18 | Aging & Mental Health |
A | - | 19 | Agribusiness: An International Journal |
A | - | 20 | American Business Law Journal |
A | - | 21 | American Journal of Chinese Medicine |
A | - | 22 | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition |
A | - | 23 | American Journal of Comparative Law |
A | - | 24 | American Journal of Distance Education |
A | - | 25 | American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse |
A | - | 26 | American Journal of Education |
A | - | 27 | American Journal of Family Therapy |
A | - | 28 | American Journal of Health Promotion |
A | - | 29 | American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine |
A | - | 30 | American Journal of Law & Medicine |
A | - | 31 | American Journal of Physiology |
A | - | 32 | American Journal of Public Health |
A | - | 33 | American Journal of Sociology |
A | - | 34 | American Journal of Sports Medicine |
A | - | 35 | American Journal On Addictions |
A | - | 36 | American Literary Realism |
A | - | 37 | American Psychologist |
A | - | 38 | American Sociological Review |
A | - | 39 | Analytical Chemistry |
A | - | 40 | Annals of Tourism Research |
A | - | 41 | Aperture |
A | - | 42 | Applied & Environmental Microbiology |
A | - | 43 | Applied Artificial Intelligence |
A | - | 44 | Applied Arts Magazine |
A | - | 45 | Applied Ergonomics |
A | - | 46 | Applied Financial Economics |
A | - | 47 | Applied Linguistics |
A | - | 48 | Applied Mathematical Finance |
A | - | 49 | Applied Psychological Measurement |
A | - | 50 | Applied Research In Quality of Life |
A | - | 51 | Architectural Design |
A | - | 52 | Architectural Digest |
A | - | 53 | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics |
A | - | 54 | Asia Pacific Journal of Turism Research |
A | - | 55 | Asia Pacific Management Review 亞太管理評論 |
A | - | 56 | Asian Journal of Communication |
A | - | 57 | Asian Journal of Control 亞洲控制學刊 =自動控制學刊 |
A | - | 58 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health |
A | - | 59 | Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics |
A | - | 60 | Australian Accounting Review |
A | - | 61 | Automated Software Engineering |
B | - | 1 | B & W ( Black & White ) |
B | - | 2 | Banking Law Journal |
B | - | 3 | Behaviour & Information Technology |
B | - | 4 | Bell Labs Technical Journal |
B | - | 5 | Bike |
B | - | 6 | Biochemical Journal |
B | - | 7 | Bioinformatics |
B | - | 8 | Biomacromolecules |
B | - | 9 | Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry |
B | - | 10 | Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering |
B | - | 11 | Bloomberg Businessweek |
B | - | 12 | Botanical Studies |
B | - | 13 | Briefings In Bioinformatics |
B | - | 14 | Briefings In Functional Genomics |
B | - | 15 | British Journal of Management |
B | - | 16 | British Journal of Nutrition |
B | - | 17 | British Journal of Social Work |
B | - | 18 | British Journal of Sociology |
B | - | 19 | Bulletin of Mathematical Biology |
B | - | 20 | Bulletin of The World Health Organization |
B | - | 21 | Business Horizons |
B | - | 22 | Business Law Review |
B | - | 23 | Business Lawyer |
C | - | 1 | Camera Obscura: Journal of Feminism & Film Theory |
C | - | 2 | Cancer Research |
C | - | 3 | Cell |
C | - | 4 | Ceramics Monthly |
C | - | 5 | Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal |
C | - | 6 | Child & Family Behavior Therapy |
C | - | 7 | Child & Youth Care Forum |
C | - | 8 | Child Development |
C | - | 9 | Child Psychiatry & Human Development |
C | - | 10 | Childhood |
C | - | 11 | Childhood Education |
C | - | 12 | Cinefex |
C | - | 13 | Cinema Journal |
C | - | 14 | Circuits, Systems, & Signal Processing |
C | - | 15 | Classical & Modern Literature: A Quarterly |
C | - | 16 | Clinical Social Work Journal |
C | - | 17 | Cloth, Paper, Scissors |
C | - | 18 | Clothing & Textiles Research Journal |
C | - | 19 | Cognition & Emotion |
C | - | 20 | Cognition & Instruction |
C | - | 21 | Cognitive Linguistics |
C | - | 22 | College English |
C | - | 23 | Color research & Application |
C | - | 24 | Communication Arts Magazine |
C | - | 25 | Communication Education |
C | - | 26 | Communication Research |
C | - | 27 | Communication Theory |
C | - | 28 | Communication, Culture & Critique |
C | - | 29 | Communications Law |
C | - | 30 | Community Development Journal |
C | - | 31 | Comparative Education Review |
C | - | 32 | Computer Arts |
C | - | 33 | Computer Journal |
C | - | 34 | Computers & Graphics |
C | - | 35 | Concentric: Literary & Cultural Studies |
C | - | 36 | Contemporary Accounting Research |
C | - | 37 | Contemporary Literature |
C | - | 38 | Contemporary Sociology |
C | - | 39 | Cornell Hospitality Quarterly |
C | - | 40 | Cosmetic World |
C | - | 41 | Cosmetics & Toiletries |
C | - | 42 | Cost Management |
C | - | 43 | Counselling Psychology Quarterly |
C | - | 44 | Craft Arts International |
C | - | 45 | Crafts |
C | - | 46 | Creativity & Innovation Management |
C | - | 47 | Creativity Research Journal |
C | - | 48 | Critical Inquiry |
C | - | 49 | Critical Quarterly |
C | - | 50 | Critical Reviews In Food Sciences & Nutrition |
C | - | 51 | Critical Social Policy |
C | - | 52 | Criticism |
C | - | 53 | Critique: Studies In Contemporary Fiction |
C | - | 54 | Cross-Cultural Research |
C | - | 55 | Cultural Studies |
C | - | 56 | Culture & Psychology |
C | - | 57 | Current Bioinformatics |
D | - | 1 | Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery |
D | - | 2 | Decision Sciences |
D | - | 3 | Demography |
D | - | 4 | Design & Culture |
D | - | 5 | Design Issues |
D | - | 6 | Design Journal |
D | - | 7 | Design Management Review |
D | - | 8 | Design Methods: Theories, Research, Education & Practice |
D | - | 9 | Desktop |
D | - | 10 | Developmental Psychology |
D | - | 11 | Digital Artist |
D | - | 12 | Digital Creativity |
D | - | 13 | Digital SLR Photography單眼數位相機雜誌 |
D | - | 14 | DISCOVER |
E | - | 1 | Early Child Development & Care |
E | - | 2 | Early Childhood Education Journal |
E | - | 3 | Early Education & Development Journal |
E | - | 4 | Early Years:Journal of International Research And Development |
E | - | 5 | East Asian Science, Technology & Society: An International Journal |
E | - | 6 | Economist |
E | - | 7 | Educational Gerontology |
E | - | 8 | Educational Measurement: Issues & Practice |
E | - | 9 | Electronics Letters |
E | - | 10 | Elle Decoration (U.K.) |
E | - | 11 | ELT Journal |
E | - | 12 | Emotion |
E | - | 13 | Engineering With Computers |
E | - | 14 | English Studies - A Journal of English Language & Literature |
E | - | 15 | Entrepreneur |
E | - | 16 | Environment & Behavior |
E | - | 17 | Ergonomics In Design |
E | - | 18 | European Journal of Health Economics |
E | - | 19 | European Journal of Information Systems |
E | - | 20 | European Journal of Public Health |
E | - | 21 | European Journal of Social Psychology |
E | - | 22 | European Journal of Women's Studies |
E | - | 23 | European Management Journal |
E | - | 24 | Event Management |
E | - | 25 | Exercise & Sport Sciences Review |
E | - | 26 | Eye |
F | - | 1 | Family & Community Health |
F | - | 2 | Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal |
F | - | 3 | Family Relations |
F | - | 4 | Fashion Trend |
F | - | 5 | Feminist Collections |
F | - | 6 | Feminist Review |
F | - | 7 | Finance & Stochastics |
F | - | 8 | Financial Management |
F | - | 9 | Financial Markets & Portfolio Management |
F | - | 10 | Financial Markets, Institution & Instruments |
F | - | 11 | Financial Review |
F | - | 12 | Food & Nutrition Bulletin |
F | - | 13 | Food Biotechnology |
F | - | 14 | Food Management |
F | - | 15 | Food Manufacture |
F | - | 16 | Food Processing |
F | - | 17 | Food Reviews International |
F | - | 18 | Food Technology |
F | - | 19 | Food Technology & Biotechnology |
F | - | 20 | Forbes Asia |
F | - | 21 | Foreign Affairs |
F | - | 22 | Foreign Language Annals |
F | - | 23 | Form:designtidskriften |
F | - | 24 | Form:the making of design |
F | - | 25 | FORTUNE |
G | - | 1 | Game Informer Magazine: For Video Game Enthusiasts |
G | - | 2 | Games & Culture |
G | - | 3 | Gender & Society |
G | - | 4 | Gender, Technology & Development |
G | - | 5 | Genes & Development |
G | - | 6 | Genome Research |
G | - | 7 | Genomics |
G | - | 8 | Gerontologist |
G | - | 9 | Global Media & Communication |
G | - | 10 | Graphic Design |
G | - | 11 | Graphical Models |
G | - | 12 | Group & Organization Management |
H | - | 1 | Hairdressers' Journal International |
H | - | 2 | Harvard Business Review |
H | - | 3 | Health & Social Care In Community |
H | - | 4 | Health Care Analysis |
H | - | 5 | Health Care Management Review |
H | - | 6 | Health Economics |
H | - | 7 | Health Policy |
H | - | 8 | Health Policy & Planning |
H | - | 9 | Health Promotion International |
H | - | 10 | Health Services Research |
H | - | 11 | Hospitality Design |
H | - | 12 | Human Communication Research |
H | - | 13 | Human Computer Interaction |
H | - | 14 | Human Factors |
H | - | 15 | Human Resource Development International |
H | - | 16 | Human Resource Development Quarterly |
H | - | 17 | Human Resource Management |
H | - | 18 | Human Resource Management Journal |
I | - | 1 | IET Science, Measurement & Technology |
I | - | 2 | IET Software |
I | - | 3 | IIE Transactions |
I | - | 4 | Imaginefx |
I | - | 5 | Industry & Innovation |
I | - | 6 | Infants & Young Children |
I | - | 7 | Information & Management |
I | - | 8 | Information Design Journal |
I | - | 9 | Information Society |
I | - | 10 | Information, Communication & Society |
I | - | 11 | Interior Design |
I | - | 12 | Intermedia |
I | - | 13 | International Communication Gazette |
I | - | 14 | International Company & Commercial Law Review |
I | - | 15 | International Economic Review |
I | - | 16 | International Financial Law Review |
I | - | 17 | International Journal For Quality In Health Care |
I | - | 18 | International Journal of Accounting |
I | - | 19 | International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing |
I | - | 20 | International Journal of Aging & Human Development |
I | - | 21 | International Journal of Art & Design Education |
I | - | 22 | International Journal of Circuit Theory & Applications |
I | - | 23 | International Journal of Communication Systems |
I | - | 24 | International Journal of Computational Geometry & Application |
I | - | 25 | International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems |
I | - | 26 | International Journal of Cosmetic Science |
I | - | 27 | International Journal of Dairy Technology |
I | - | 28 | International Journal of Early Years Education |
I | - | 29 | International Journal of Electronics |
I | - | 30 | International Journal of Epidemiology |
I | - | 31 | International Journal of Finance & Economics |
I | - | 32 | International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition |
I | - | 33 | International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry |
I | - | 34 | International Journal of Group Psychotherapy |
I | - | 35 | International Journal of Health Care Finance & Economics |
I | - | 36 | International Journal of Health Planning & Management |
I | - | 37 | International Journal of Health Services |
I | - | 38 | International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration |
I | - | 39 | International Journal of Hospitality Management |
I | - | 40 | International Journal of Human Resource Management |
I | - | 41 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics |
I | - | 42 | International Journal of Information And Management Sciences(IJIMS) |
I | - | 43 | International Journal of Information Management |
I | - | 44 | International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making |
I | - | 45 | International Journal of Logistics Management |
I | - | 46 | International Journal of Management Reviews |
I | - | 47 | International Journal of Market Research |
I | - | 48 | International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms |
I | - | 49 | International Journal of Mental Health Nursing |
I | - | 50 | International Journal of Obesity |
I | - | 51 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artifical Intelligence |
I | - | 52 | International Journal of Play Therapy |
I | - | 53 | International Journal of Project Management: Journal of International Project Management Association |
I | - | 54 | International Journal of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering |
I | - | 55 | International Journal of Technology & Design Education |
I | - | 56 | International Journal of The Sociology of Language |
I | - | 57 | International Journal of Tourism Research |
I | - | 58 | International Journal of Toxicology |
I | - | 59 | International Social Work |
I | - | 60 | Interni |
I | - | 61 | IUBMB Life |
J | - | 1 | Journal of Housing For The Elderly |
J | - | 2 | Journal of Abnormal Psychology |
J | - | 3 | Journal of Academy of marketing Science |
J | - | 4 | Journal of Accounting & Economics |
J | - | 5 | Journal of Accounting & Public Policy |
J | - | 6 | Journal of Accounting Education |
J | - | 7 | Journal of Accounting Research |
J | - | 8 | Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance |
J | - | 9 | Journal of Advanced Nursing |
J | - | 10 | Journal of Advertising Research |
J | - | 11 | Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism |
J | - | 12 | Journal of Aging & Health |
J | - | 13 | Journal of Aging & Social Policy |
J | - | 14 | Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry |
J | - | 15 | Journal of American Geriatric Society |
J | - | 16 | Journal of Applied Communication Research |
J | - | 17 | Journal of Applied Corporate Finance |
J | - | 18 | Journal of Applied Cosmetology |
J | - | 19 | Journal of Applied Gerontology |
J | - | 20 | Journal of Applied Microbiology |
J | - | 21 | Journal of Applied Physiology |
J | - | 22 | Journal of Applied Psychology |
J | - | 23 | Journal of Asian Studies |
J | - | 24 | Journal of Bacteriology |
J | - | 25 | Journal of Bioinformatics & Computational Biology |
J | - | 26 | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media |
J | - | 27 | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics |
J | - | 28 | Journal of Business Finance & Accounting |
J | - | 29 | Journal of Business Logistics |
J | - | 30 | Journal of Business Strategy |
J | - | 31 | Journal of Chinese Linguistics |
J | - | 32 | Journal of Clinical Nursing |
J | - | 33 | Journal of Cognition & Development |
J | - | 34 | Journal of Commonwealth Literature |
J | - | 35 | Journal of Communication |
J | - | 36 | Journal of Community Health |
J | - | 37 | Journal of Community Health Nursing |
J | - | 38 | Journal of Community Psychology |
J | - | 39 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning |
J | - | 40 | Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology |
J | - | 41 | Journal of Continuing Education In Health Professions |
J | - | 42 | Journal of Cosmetic Science |
J | - | 43 | Journal of Counseling Psychology |
J | - | 44 | Journal of Cross-cultural Gerontology |
J | - | 45 | Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology |
J | - | 46 | Journal of Cryptology |
J | - | 47 | Journal of Design History |
J | - | 48 | Journal of Early Childhood Literacy |
J | - | 49 | Journal of Ecotourism |
J | - | 50 | Journal of Educational Psychology |
J | - | 51 | Journal of Electronic Testing |
J | - | 52 | Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health |
J | - | 53 | Journal of European Social Policy |
J | - | 54 | Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior |
J | - | 55 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition |
J | - | 56 | Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
J | - | 57 | Journal of Family Nursing |
J | - | 58 | Journal of Family Therapy |
J | - | 59 | Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management |
J | - | 60 | Journal of Finance |
J | - | 61 | Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis |
J | - | 62 | Journal of Financial Economics |
J | - | 63 | Journal of Financial Research |
J | - | 64 | Journal of Financial Services Research |
J | - | 65 | Journal of Food Protection |
J | - | 66 | Journal of Food Science |
J | - | 67 | Journal of Food Science & Technology |
J | - | 68 | Journal of Foodservice Business Research |
J | - | 69 | Journal of Futures Markets |
J | - | 70 | Journal of Futures Studies |
J | - | 71 | Journal of Gerontology B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences |
J | - | 72 | Journal of Global Marketing |
J | - | 73 | Journal of Happiness Studies |
J | - | 74 | Journal of Health & Social Behavior |
J | - | 75 | Journal of Health Care Management |
J | - | 76 | Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law |
J | - | 77 | Journal of Health Services Research & Policy |
J | - | 78 | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education |
J | - | 79 | Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research |
J | - | 80 | Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management |
J | - | 81 | Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology |
J | - | 82 | Journal of Information Science |
J | - | 83 | Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics (JITE) |
J | - | 84 | Journal of International Business Studies |
J | - | 85 | Journal of International Consumer Marketing |
J | - | 86 | Journal of International Economic Law |
J | - | 87 | Journal of International Money & Finance |
J | - | 88 | Journal of Interpersonal Violence |
J | - | 89 | Journal of Investing |
J | - | 90 | Journal of Law & Economics |
J | - | 91 | Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization |
J | - | 92 | Journal of Legal Education |
J | - | 93 | Journal of Legal Studies |
J | - | 94 | Journal of Leisure Research |
J | - | 95 | Journal of Linguistics |
J | - | 96 | Journal of Management |
J | - | 97 | Journal of Management Inquiry |
J | - | 98 | Journal of Management Studies |
J | - | 99 | Journal of Marital & Family Therapy |
J | - | 100 | Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce |
J | - | 101 | Journal of Marketing Communications |
J | - | 102 | Journal of Marriage & Family |
J | - | 103 | Journal of Medical Science=醫學研究雜誌 |
J | - | 104 | Journal of Medicinal Food |
J | - | 105 | Journal of Mental Health Policy & Economics |
J | - | 106 | Journal of Microbiology,Immunology And Infection(=微免與感染) |
J | - | 107 | Journal of Money Credit & Banking |
J | - | 108 | Journal of Nursing Research,The 護理研究 |
J | - | 109 | Journal of Nutrition |
J | - | 110 | Journal of Nutrition For Elderly NOW: Journal of Nutrition In Gerontology & Geriatrics |
J | - | 111 | Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology |
J | - | 112 | Journal of Personality |
J | - | 113 | Journal of Personality & Social Psychology |
J | - | 114 | Journal of Personality Assessment |
J | - | 115 | Journal of Popular Culture |
J | - | 116 | Journal of Pragmatics |
J | - | 117 | Journal of Product Innovation Management |
J | - | 118 | Journal of Public Health Policy |
J | - | 119 | Journal of Quality Assurance In Hospitality & Tourism |
J | - | 120 | Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics |
J | - | 121 | Journal of Real-Time Image Processing |
J | - | 122 | Journal of Research In Childhood Education |
J | - | 123 | Journal of Risk & Insurance |
J | - | 124 | Journal of Risk & Uncertainty |
J | - | 125 | Journal of Science & Medicine In Sport |
J | - | 126 | Journal of Service Research |
J | - | 127 | Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy |
J | - | 128 | Journal of Small Business Management |
J | - | 129 | Journal of Social Issues |
J | - | 130 | Journal of Social Policy |
J | - | 131 | Journal of Social Psychology |
J | - | 132 | Journal of Software Maintenance & Evolution: Research & Practice NOW: Journal of Software: Evolution & Process |
J | - | 133 | Journal of Southeast Asian Studies |
J | - | 134 | Journal of Sport & Tourism |
J | - | 135 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems |
J | - | 136 | Journal of Structural & Functional Genomics |
J | - | 137 | Journal of Sustainable Tourism |
J | - | 138 | Journal of Teaching In Travel & Tourism |
J | - | 139 | Journal of Texture Studies |
J | - | 140 | Journal of The Formosan Medical Association=台灣醫誌 (臺灣醫誌) |
J | - | 141 | Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing |
J | - | 142 | Journal of Travel Research |
J | - | 143 | Journal of Virology |
J | - | 144 | Journal of Visualization |
J | - | 145 | Journal of Wine Research |
J | - | 146 | Journal of World Business |
K | - | 1 | Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences,The (高雄醫學科學) |
K | - | 2 | Knowledge Engineering Review |
L | - | 1 | Language |
L | - | 2 | Legal Issues of Economic Integration |
L | - | 3 | Leisure Management |
L | - | 4 | Leisure Sciences |
L | - | 5 | Leisure Studies |
L | - | 6 | Leisure, Recreation & Tourism Abstracts |
L | - | 7 | Leisure/Loisir: Journal of The Canadian Association for Leisure Studies |
L | - | 8 | Leonardo |
L | - | 9 | Logistics Management |
L | - | 10 | Long-Term Living |
M | - | 1 | Maglieria Italiana |
M | - | 2 | Malacologia |
M | - | 3 | Management Learning |
M | - | 4 | Management Science |
M | - | 5 | Managing Information |
M | - | 6 | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management |
M | - | 7 | Mass Communication & Society |
M | - | 8 | Media Psychology |
M | - | 9 | Media, Culture & Society |
M | - | 10 | Medical Care |
M | - | 11 | Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise |
M | - | 12 | Memory & Cognition |
M | - | 13 | Metalsmith |
M | - | 14 | Microbial Ecology |
M | - | 15 | Modern Drama |
M | - | 16 | Modern Fiction Studies |
M | - | 17 | Modern Language Journal |
M | - | 18 | Modern Language Quarterly |
M | - | 19 | Modern Philology |
M | - | 20 | Molecular Biology And Evolution |
M | - | 21 | Molecular Nutrition & Food Research |
M | - | 22 | Mycorrhiza |
N | - | 1 | Nano Letters |
N | - | 2 | Nanotechnology |
N | - | 3 | Narrative |
N | - | 4 | Narrative Inquiry |
N | - | 5 | National Geographic Magazine |
N | - | 6 | National Geographic Traveler |
N | - | 7 | Nature |
N | - | 8 | Nature Biotechnology |
N | - | 9 | Nature Cell Biology |
N | - | 10 | Nature Genetics |
N | - | 11 | Nature Reviews Cancer |
N | - | 12 | Nature Reviews Genetics |
N | - | 14 | Naval Research Logistics |
N | - | 15 | Network: Computation In Neural Systems |
N | - | 16 | Networks |
N | - | 17 | New England Journal of Medicine |
N | - | 18 | New German Critique |
N | - | 19 | New Left Review |
N | - | 20 | New Literary History |
N | - | 21 | New Media & Society |
N | - | 22 | Newsweek |
N | - | 23 | Nineteenth Century Theatre & Film |
N | - | 24 | Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly |
N | - | 25 | Novel: A Form On Fiction |
N | - | 26 | Novum: World Of Graphic Design |
N | - | 27 | Nutrition |
N | - | 28 | Nutrition Research Reviews |
N | - | 29 | Nutrition Today |
O | - | 1 | October |
O | - | 2 | Operations Research |
O | - | 3 | Optical Engineering |
O | - | 4 | Organization Studies |
O | - | 5 | Ottagono |
O | - | 6 | Oxford Journal of Legal Studies |
O | - | 7 | Oxford Literary Review |
P | - | 1 | Pacific Basin Finance Journal |
P | - | 2 | Package Design Magazine |
P | - | 3 | Pan-Pacific Management Review |
P | - | 4 | Paper Crafts Magazine |
P | - | 5 | PC World |
P | - | 6 | Performance Evaluation |
P | - | 7 | Personnel Psychology |
P | - | 8 | Philosophy & Literature |
P | - | 9 | Philosophy & Phenomenological Research |
P | - | 10 | Philosophy & Rhetoric |
P | - | 11 | Planning Theory |
P | - | 12 | Poetics Today |
P | - | 13 | Poetique |
P | - | 14 | Popular Science |
P | - | 15 | Pragmatics |
P | - | 16 | |
P | - | 17 | Process Biochemistry |
P | - | 18 | Production Planning & Control |
P | - | 19 | Protein Engineering, Design & Selection |
P | - | 20 | Protein Science |
P | - | 21 | Proteins:structure,Function & Bioinformatics |
P | - | 22 | Proteomics |
P | - | 23 | Psychological Bulletin |
P | - | 24 | Psychological Inquiry |
P | - | 25 | Psychological Review |
P | - | 26 | Psychology & Aging |
P | - | 27 | Psychology of Addictive Behaviors |
P | - | 28 | Public Health Nutrition |
P | - | 29 | Public Opinion Quarterly |
Q | - | 1 | Qualitative Health Research |
Q | - | 2 | Qualitative Social Work |
Q | - | 3 | Quality Management In Health Care |
R | - | 1 | R & D Management |
R | - | 2 | Radical Philosophy |
R | - | 3 | Reader's Digest 讀者文摘-英文版 |
R | - | 4 | Reading & Writing |
R | - | 5 | Reading Research Quarterly |
R | - | 6 | Renditions |
R | - | 7 | Research On Aging |
R | - | 8 | Review of Accounting Studies |
R | - | 9 | Review of English Studies |
R | - | 10 | Review of Financial Studies |
R | - | 11 | Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets & Policies |
R | - | 12 | Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting |
R | - | 13 | RFID Journal |
S | - | 1 | Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality & Tourism |
S | - | 2 | Science & Public Policy |
S | - | 3 | Screen |
S | - | 4 | Sculpture |
S | - | 5 | Semiotica |
S | - | 6 | Service Industries Journal |
S | - | 7 | Shutterbug |
S | - | 8 | SIAM Journal On Computing |
S | - | 9 | Sight & Sound |
S | - | 10 | Signs:Journal of Women In Culture & Society |
S | - | 11 | Smithsonian |
S | - | 12 | SMR/ Sociological Methods & Research |
S | - | 13 | Social Cognition |
S | - | 14 | Social Forces |
S | - | 15 | Social Policy |
S | - | 16 | Social Policy & Society |
S | - | 17 | Social Politics |
S | - | 18 | Social Research |
S | - | 19 | Social Service Review |
S | - | 20 | Social Work In Health Care |
S | - | 21 | Social Work With Groups |
S | - | 22 | Software - Practice & Experience |
S | - | 23 | Sports Medicine |
S | - | 24 | Strategic Management Journal |
S | - | 25 | Surface Design |
S | - | 26 | Sustainable Environment Research |
S | - | 27 | Sustainable Environment Research(原:中國環境工程學刊) |
S | - | 28 | Systematic Biology |
T | - | 1 | T3: Tomorrow Technology Today |
T | - | 2 | Taiwan Review 英文台灣評論 |
T | - | 3 | Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology (台灣婦產科醫學會會刊) |
T | - | 4 | Technology Analysis & Strategic Management |
T | - | 5 | Telecommunication Systems |
T | - | 6 | TESOL Quarterly |
T | - | 7 | Texas Studies In Literature & Language |
T | - | 8 | Textile: Journal of Cloth & Culture |
T | - | 9 | Therapeutic Recreation Journal |
T | - | 10 | Thunderbird International Business Review |
T | - | 11 | Topics In Early Childhood Special Education |
T | - | 12 | Total Quality Management & Business Excellence |
T | - | 13 | Tourism & Hospitality Research |
T | - | 14 | Tourism Economics |
T | - | 15 | Tourism Geographies |
T | - | 16 | Tourism Management |
T | - | 17 | Tourism Recreation Research |
T | - | 18 | Tourism Review International |
T | - | 19 | Travel & Leisure |
T | - | 20 | Travel in Taiwan |
T | - | 21 | Trends In Biochemical Sciences(TIBS) |
U | - | 1 | Urban Studies |
V | - | 1 | View; Textile View Magazine |
V | - | 2 | Visual Arts Research |
V | - | 3 | Visual Communication |
V | - | 4 | Visual Computer |
V | - | 5 | Visual Resources, An International Journal of Documentation |
V | - | 6 | Vogue Italia |
V | - | 7 | Vogue Living |
W | - | 1 | Watercolor |
W | - | 2 | Web Designer |
W | - | 3 | Wired |
W | - | 4 | Wireless Networks |
W | - | 5 | Women & Health |
W | - | 6 | Women's Studies In Communication |
W | - | 7 | World Leisure Journal |
Y | - | 1 | Young Children |
Z | - | 1 | Zoological Studies=動物研究學刊 |