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I. Borrowing

1. Asia University faculty, staff , students and library membership can use university ID card or library membership card to borrow books from the library.

2. Borrowing privileges for books:

Patron types

Item Limits

Loan Periods (days)





Graduate students

Research assistants







Library membership




3. Reference materials, periodicals, newspapers and AV materials are limited for use in the library.


II. Return

1. You can drop your books you wish to return in the return box located aside the entrance of the library.

2. The return date will be the next day after you return the books.


III. Renewal

1. You can renew your books before the due date.

2. You can renew your books online or by phone.

3. Please note that renewal will not be completed in the following conditions:

 (1)item is over due

 (2)item is onhold

 (3)renew the same item for twice

 (4)user's borrowing privilege is locked temporarily (ie :unpaid fine…)

 (5)too soon to renew (only accepted during 1 days prior to due date)


IV. On-line Reserve

1. Online requests are only accepted if the item is borrowed by another user (due) or held in the library for another user (item status: on hold shelf) or on processing (order or catalogue)

2. The maximum quota of requests is 5 items.

3. When your requested book is returned, it will display in your circulation record. 

V. Late Return of Books

1. Please return all checked out items on or before the due date. If a book is not returned by the due date, it is considered overdue and is subject to overdue fines. Fines for the late return of books borrowed will be charged $5 dollars each item by day. The fine will be cumulated until the item returned to library.

2. Users with late returned books or fine cannot check out, renew or request any book.


VI. Replacement for Lost/Damaged Book

1. Any defect or damage to a book should be reported to the item location librarian immediately it is noticed. Users will be held responsible for loss or damage to any book whilst in their charge, and will be required to pay the full value of replacement. After paying for their replacement, users will not keep damaged items or, in the case of lost items, any that are subsequently found.
2. Users should complete the replacing procedure during 30 days since the book due date, otherwise, users have to pay the overdue fine besides the replacement (book or fee).
3. Replacement is processed according to library regulations and should be approved by librarians.