113年9月份個人進館次數排行榜 〈 Top 25 of most frequent library users of Sep. 2024 > |
排行 No. |
讀者姓名 Name |
單位系所 Unit |
次數 Frequency |
1 | 賴可軒 | 資訊工程學系Dept. of Computer Science & Inform. Engineering | 144 |
2 | 邱筠捷 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 120 |
3 | 蕭宇呈 | 資訊工程學系Dept. of Computer Science & Inform. Engineering | 115 |
4 | 鄭 謙 | 聽力暨語言治療學系Dept. of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology | 113 |
4 | 許元昱 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 112 |
6 | 吳宗諺 | 會計與資訊學系Dept. of Accounting and Information Systems | 111 |
7 | 陳冠宏 | 財經法律學系Dept. of Financial and Economic Law | 104 |
8 | 劉一宗 | 數位媒體設計學系Dept. of Media and Design | 97 |
9 | 張凱翔 | 生物資訊與醫學工程學系Dept. of Bioinformatics andMedical Engineering | 94 |
10 | 楊智勛 | 財務金融學系Dept. of Finance | 92 |
11 | Arya Widia Putra | 資訊工程學系Dept. of Computer Science & Inform. Engineering | 88 |
12 | 陳庭葳 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | 86 |
13 | 余翊甄 | 數位媒體設計學系Dept. of Media and Design | 86 |
13 | 吳冠霆 | 資訊工程學系Dept. of Computer Science & Inform. Engineering | 82 |
15 | 洪璽恩 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系 | 80 |
16 | 林書妍 | 幼兒教育學系Dept. of Early Childhood Education | 77 |
17 | 康家菱 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 73 |
17 | 陳紀源 | 經營管理學系Dept. of Business Administration | 73 |
19 | 林城君 | 物理治療學系 | 71 |
19 | PHAM MINH TAM | 財務金融學系Dept. of Finance | 70 |
21 | 黃主安 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 70 |
21 | 關智元 | 數位媒體設計學系Dept. of Media and Design | 68 |
23 | 劉昀佳 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 67 |
24 | 梁敏琪 | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 67 |
25 | Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao | 心理學系Dept. of Psychology | 66 |
註:此排行榜僅列校內教職員工生,請前5名於每月25日前憑有效有照證件到館領獎狀,惟跨越寒暑假之月份不予頒獎! 期待下個月就(還)是您! Top 5 readers will be awarded certificate of merit.ID card is required when receive. |